Monday, April 20, 2009

What Happened to Spring?!?

It's HOT. Like, mother fucking Samuel L. Jackson hot. It feels hotter here too because the air is dry as hell. I can say that because I know what East coast hot is like-- Nasty.

My ambient temp sensor on the GLI read 104 degrees the whole drive home. WTF BBQ, literally, with my car equaling the BBQ.

I'm so spoiled by the humidity & temperature controlled data center I spend most of my day in, so now I try to run to any air-conditioned room I can find.

Today's the first day of my night time Linux 3 class. It's especially hot here in Walnut/Pomona, so naturally, I ran to the 1st ice cold room I could think of: my professor's office. I spent about an hour there before he kicked me out, so I ran to the English Writing Lab for refuge.

I liked last week better. 71 degree drives home all week.

Now, It's so hot, even with the dial to full cold & fresh air, it only takes the HVAC 6 seconds to warm up after A/C is toggled off.

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