Tuesday, January 13, 2009

He's Switched off his targeting computer!

Recieved grades back from my most memorable moment speech.  98% awarded with points deducted for uneccessary hand gesturing.  I later found out that this first speech was a baseline for the rest of the Winter Session.


That means every speech from now on has to be better.  

The idiot next to me umm'd and paused his way to a 93%.  *&#$!  If I had known, I would have bombed the first speech in order to be in better striking position for an A in the class.

Oh well.  Since Speech was never a strong subject for me, today I decided to celebrate my first ever A in any speech class by washing my car.

Yes.  By  washing my car.

Yeah.  I put on shorts, donned a set of slippers and turned my cell phone off.

I use time cleaning the car as time for me to meditate and relax.  I switch my brain to autopilot and watch the water dance off my car.  

For the 2 hours that I'm washing, soaping, drying, waxing and buffing the machine,  I get to think of 5 cylinders, 4 wheel drive, 2 point 3 liters of displacement, 6 gears and 4 wheels instead of transfer applications, worrying if I can make rent next month, the idea that I will not be able to attend school, moms that can't figure out digital TV tuners, assholes named Giovanni, the idea of being forced to attend another school and the reality of divorce.

It's nice.

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