Thursday, February 26, 2009

J&Y Engagement Photoshoot: Hold the Tripod Please

Had a chance to hop on the photoshoot for the happy couple's pre wedding photos at LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) early Tuesday morning at 2AM.

I rushed over from class and made the last 2 locations. My job was to hold everyone jackets and carry the tripod while making sure we didn't get robbed. It's so annoying to shoot while holding jackets and a tripod BTW.

I sent a few shots over that I thought were interesting and Jason and Yolanda loved them!

The couple promptly shot back with a thank you note that made my day:
"Mike - Our amazing moving, light-holding stick! :D So glad that you
joined us.. always good company and (usually) great jokes! And after
seeing some of your haphazardly taken, yet fantastic, photos from the
night, I'd say you can now answer "Heck yea!" when someone asks if
you're a photographer too. :) Go Mike."

I like how Jason misspelled the label, "behing the scenes"

Check out the other samples from Larry's website:

And yes, I know I shouldn't share unprocessed photos...

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